SquashFit Bursary
The SquashFit bursary is funded by Buckinghamshire Youth Bank & The Nic Willoughby Funds, granted by Heart of Bucks, our community foundation.
SquashFit bursary is a grant funded programme which aims to:
Offer local children the opportunity to try a new sport, squash, in school and in a local, safe, club environment at Wycombe Squash & Racketball Club.
Improve and promote young people's physical, mental and emotional health with squash.
The SquashFit bursary includes:
club membership
coaching & equipment (shoes, racket and goggles)
Successful applicants will be required to take part in three simple questionnaires to allows us to assess activity levels, mental wellbeing / confidence (WEMWBS) and social cohesion;
SquashFit Survey #1 (at the start of the bursary)
SquashFit Survey #2 (at the halfway point of the bursary)
SquashFit Survey #3 (at the conclusion of the bursary)
Attendance records will be tracked. All details will remain confidential.
For further information please contact Heidi Leseur